LTA Foundation

The Lambda Theta Alpha Foundation's mission is to advance the community. Our efforts promote enrichment of our communities through our pillar approach, focusing on educational programming, scholarship and humanitarian relief.

Educational Programming

The Lambda Theta Alpha Foundation takes pride in being able to provide education programming grants. Our educational programming grants provide financial support to student-led programs across the United States (high school to higher education) dedicated to implementing programming that will educate their communities on various topics.


The Lambda Theta Alpha Foundation provides annual scholarships for students pursing education at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels. Our goal is to award $1,000 scholarships to seventeen students who demonstrate commitment to advancing their community.

Over the last three years we’ve raised funds to award 17 stellar high school, undergraduate, and graduate students $1,000 scholarships! That is over 50,000 in Scholarships in total thus far! 

Humanitarian Relief

The Lambda Theta Alpha Foundation Disaster Relief Fund was established to help provide relief to those affected by a natural disaster in the United States.

In 2020, the Lambda Theta Alpha Foundation launched the Covid-19 Relief Stipends for humanitarian relief during the unprecedented times of hardship, prioritizing displaced individuals and those needing support to sustain life due to the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. 

How Can I Get Involved?

Visit the LTA Foundation website to learn about more ways to directly get involved, or click below to donate!